Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 10 Sugar Detox Challenge March 10, 2015

We're about to cross the Finish Line!
But as this Challenge ends, 
our new Healthstyle begins! 

"We are what we repeatedly do. 
Excellence, then, 
is not an act, but a habit."

We have reset ourselves by eliminating added sugar, 
but we also have gained a new awareness of and appreciation 
for the goodness and variety of unprocessed and whole foods.

Here's just one resource for evaluating foods
as we continue our new Healthstyle:

 The FDA's Nutrition Facts labels on food.
These will help you as you are grocery shopping
 and looking for nutritious foods.
The chart's a bit fuzzy,
but hopefully you can make it out.

Remember to also look at the List of Ingredients
also found on food packaging.
Especially be aware of Sugar's other names.
If any of these are listed, it's ADDED SUGAR.

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