It's time for a RESET.
Yes, I admit that little by little, I have let a Haagan Das bar here and a See's candy there, creep back into my eating at the expense of more nutritious options. I've waived portion control, I'm not as faithful in exercising and I don't feel like I did when we were all supporting each other in our (added) sugar free challenge. So I'm re-setting myself and I've heard that others of you are also doing this. So let's get back to sharing our successes and have that family moral support to keep us climbing to our best health ever.
Here's Liney leading the challenge.
Way to go Liney!
showing us the way
to keep on climbing
towards our goals
of healthful living.
Be strong.
Fight off bad habits.
Choose healthy homemade...
Instead over-processed Fast Food
that's without fresh veggies,
whole grains,
natural sugars, vitamins,
protein and minerals.
There's a whole wonderful world
of delicious and healthy foods out there.
Let's bring them back
into our healthy lifestyle.
More to come from me
and hopefully all of you
as we support each other
in this re-setting process.